
Fourteen months into our business and we are continuing to think of new ideas, lose sleep at night over planning and excitement, and love what we are building!!! We run our business from home in west Tennessee with our two children. Screen printing was never a hobby or even something I thought much about until November of 2015. I had been thinking of beginning another home-based business and I LOVE shopping so I had the thought: "I could design t-shirts!" And then I ran it by my husband and my family and they all said go for it. Screen printing isn't an easy task, but it's quite simple. And being pretty cheap to start out wasn't the worst thing either. We began printing shirts and jacking some stuff up. My husband is always the calm, positive one [when it comes to screen pritning]. So he always pushes me to problem-solve and not stress [even though I haven't given that part up completely, sadly]. Long story short, we love working this business together, making our supporters happy, and being able to be with our children and having that time flexibility. With any business, you will put an incredible amount of time into it, but why not spend that time building your own dreams instead of someone else's? We hope to inspire others who have those thoughts in the backs of their minds of changing things up a bit. We are excited you are following our journey and hope you continue to do so as improvements and announcements are always occurring!
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