Y’all know these quotes I read give me all the thoughts! So the quote I recently read is, “You’d be surprised by who is watching your journey and who is being inspired by it. Don’t quit.”
Wow! How true is this!? And so similar to one of our newest tee designs with a very inspiring lady. This quote makes me think about social media and also about my children. Social media can be a great platform. It can give you, your brand or business a voice it may not have if there were no such thing as the internet. It’s a way to be creative and have an easy outlet for your personal and professional life. And it can be a way for someone to see what you are doing and evaluate their own situation. You can truly inspire someone across the state or even the world just by being yourself. This makes being real and yourself so so important. I guess this is why I am so transparent on social media with wild hair, screaming kids, and sharing the ups along with the downs. I would never want to make something seem like something it isn’t. It’s just not who I am.
And these little humans. Boy, do they watch our actions. We may not feel like they listen very well, but they are paying closer attention than we think. When business gets tough, or I feel like I’m working too much, I realize that I’m teaching them work ethic. You can’t have the toys or take the fun trips without grinding for it. It’s okay for them to entertain themselves or even be a little bored sometimes. I cannot entertain them at all times. And as they get older, I hope having a business will help mold them and teach them that you can do anything your heart tells you to do, but all of it takes work.
Starting this business at the end of 2015, I knew I wanted to create something of my own. And I knew I could do it...at least to some degree. And if I could do it, then anyone who was willing to work hard, could accomplish it, too. So, from the beginning, I have wanted to inspire others by sharing our story. When I see sweet posts or comments on social media or hear them from my friends, it validates my initial motivation for beginning T+T. I want to be a voice reminding people that we do not have to settle in life. We don’t have to do what we are “supposed” to do. I would never want my children to feel “stuck” doing something and not be inspired. This applies to personal development, relationships, business, and so many other aspects of life. Just being ourselves and striving to be the best versions of ourselves is ENOUGH!! So keep on keeping on and doing what you love, because people notice and are being inspired by you!!
This brings me to telling you about someone who inspires me, Susannah B. Lewis. She is a Christian, Wife, Mama, Author, Podcaster, and a sweet, hilarious human! She and I collaborate on her apparel collection and I love creating with her. We recently got together with other entrepreneurs for a quick photo session and I’m loving one of her t-shirt designs releasing on July 18th: “Keep on keeping on.” I drew in little music notes to signify the love of music by her mother, herself, and her daughter as something that can help heal a broken heart while keeping the memory of her mother alive. She and I actually met via Facebook and mutual friends. So when I tell you that the internet is powerful, I mean it. We are all here to inspire others and I’m incredibly blessed to be surrounded by so many awesome ladies!

Model: Katherine Williams-Dunning, owner of Weston Jane found at www.weston-Jane.myshopify.com

You can find Susannah’s latest book, "Can't Make This Stuff Up!" at www.whoasusannah.com or your local book store! It’s an easy read that will get you right in the feels. She is telling her story and how she overcomes hurdles in life with humor and faith. If you are like us and hold onto and cherish the memories of your childhood and parents more than anything, this book is for you!
Shop the Whoa Susannah Collection at www.TuckedAndThreaded.com or www.whoasusannah.com
Photography by Eventide Photography by Carrie Cantrell from Medina, TN